It's Time For Double Daylight Saving Time It's Time For Double Daylight Saving Time "Since 1966, the feds have ordained when and how clocks will change throughout the country, except for Arizona and Hawaii. " "Ever since, changes in time laws have been driven primarily by war and energy crises. FDR called daylight time "war time." (Woodrow Wilson 膠原蛋白caved to farmers and reverted to what the farmers called "God's time.")" "(Another group that tends to oppose shifting daylight is parents whose kids wait for school buses in the early morning darkness. Prerau says darker mornings do produce more car accidents involving 買屋網 kids, but that increase is more than made up for by the much larger decline in early evening accidents.)" 1. The Washington Post needs do the duty to demand Fed to respect the best minority th 酒肉朋友e State of Arizona and the State of Hawaii right to leave the time to the original as God created the Earth is.2. The Washington Post needs do the duty to tell Fed that USA must have no right to fight energy war(It's USA evil politicians played the stupid bad ugly evil mind to abused public power committed rape crime 烤肉 to FXXK 0PEC true God love <They chosen Sunday **If you stupid bad ugly evil politicians cannot have eyes ears to see many civilians still need to go to work on Sundays, you all eyeless earless politicians and public workers should be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later.** early morning instead of Saturday to help powerles 房屋出租s people to have more time to get ready the change, can further show you their evil "7.Sun.Pot.U[gly]" sucks>. Politicians cannot have good will good brain cell to convince persuade any enemy to agree his good point of view, dare shamelessly lawlessly Godlessly playing "Zhi.Sun.Mark.Why" sinisterly dishonest "7.Sun.Pot.U[gly]" crime like that "ChuSheng- 信用貸款朱兆任- His English name Mark Chu" committed rapist crime to show he's too coward to Fxxk ChiangKaiShek straight, must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later.) , because the braves who fighted Independent war showed nothing to do with energy; not mention "0ne Nation under God" must have no right to change God created the time as it is. 3. The Washington Post nee 室內裝潢ds to tell Fed that Kids are the crimes of formed government, therefore, every adult in USA must have to bend to please kids interests to make up the government formed crimes, all your adult drivers may be died injured whatever at your adult individual sucks, you must have no right to change God time to risk school bus, to risk teen drivers any bit inch.You stupid bad ugly evil Washington Post dare commit 好房網ted the crime to kiss Fed ass to side with their lawless Godless shameless selfish abused public power crime, you cannot have the good will and brain cell to make up (You needs to do your duty to tell your sucking Fed and law makers that the better way to save energy is to force every business and institute and organization and public office to cut working hours half and cut every pay check half to force every one must 濾桶have to stay home before 10:00AM and after 3:00PM, or before 8:00AM and after 5:00PM, depending on how desperately your energy must have to be forced to saved enough to ease your fear.) your previous crime to force Fed to bend to your force to make correction, you must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 關鍵字廣告  .

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          Sat Feb 10 2007 It is 10:47 in Texas. I had noodle left over yesterday, tomatoes, hot chocolate and I am having hot tea. It is 18:57 in Texas. I had vegetable salad, 售屋網unajun and hot tea. I thank God helped me waking up from no love's marriage hell. 好房網 To be by myself is much better than shadowed with stupid bad ugly evil JungShiauLIn's side. How I wish 九份民宿 JungShiau Lin was dead when he was 5years old under the MayLone river, or I died before I was born. Why I wish I died befor 小額信貸e I was born? Because good girl once born no place to hide and no freedom to die, I died at least once but failed, I remember it was very very hard 商務中心 experienced to face, I must have died at Kaoshiung before old enough to go to school, I remember seeing my dad was notified to go to Ksohsiung to pick me up, I saw my body s 小型辦公室eating still with my dad beside me in a closed train back from Kaohsiung to Keelung, I used to have the scene in front of my mind very clearly,  I did not question how come I c 辦公室出租ould see my self seating still there, how could I be able to see my parents be notified, untill I realized that I must have had my soul out of my dead body at that time, I don't know how come I ende 房地產d up back to  alive. All I remember is I was seating alone could not see anything, but I knew I was placed under the bamboo forest next to my parents's house, there's voice telling my self that I would certainly be a 永慶房屋ble to see things again, then I don't remember how long it had passed, but I know I finally got my eyes's sight back again. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 東森房屋  .

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          民進黨立委管碧玲 committing "做賊喊捉賊" crime 民進黨立委管碧玲質疑,吳揆不敢承諾今年完成,根本是在騙選票,「完全白賊本色!」 1. 民進黨立委管碧玲 has to rely on 選票; 吳揆 does not. 2. If 民進黨立委管碧玲 indeed think 吳揆 is a liar - 「完全白賊本色!」, she should do the duty to impeach (Why that State of Texas House Representative can have right to openl 房屋貸款y call Obama Lie without Impeaching his President's crime of lie? Because his House already did their best to impeached his liar President Bill Clinton and Bill Clinton's ass whore co-president Hillary Clinton and failed. Therefore, he can only do his best to tell the rest of the world to be aware of his President's lie.) 吳揆 immediately; she ac 褐藻醣膠cusing 吳揆 「完全白賊本色!」 in the formal law makers floor, yet dare not demand to impeach him, that 民進黨立委管碧玲 must be killed immediately. 3. "吳揆不敢承諾" can tell his honesty. 民進黨立委管碧玲 accusing 吳揆 ,「完全白賊本色!」 is her crime of lie caught on her own 「完全白賊本色!」 call. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 室內設計----------------------- [行政院評估,軍教課稅影響人數約36萬人,可增加稅收約159億5千萬元。]More 稅收 can only corrupt more evil doers liars like that sucking shameless ,「完全白賊本色!」 "做賊喊捉賊" criminal 民進黨立委管碧玲 alike; therefore, the right way to deal with this problem is to cut the salary for all 軍教 (You have no right 課稅軍人, because 軍人 has nothing to do with your sucking de 西裝mocratic government; you have no right 課稅 "教.Yuan", because "教.Yuan" must care your kids more than yourself; therefore, unless you charge extra tax from all parents for the multiply crimes all parents committed to burden your natural resource and society expense, otherwise, you have no right 課稅 teachers and school workers. Because teachers and school workers paid with appreciation that Chinese said "Jean.Loud.Jwen.賢&q 裝潢uot;. It is priceless, the money rather less than more, so that you don't draw evil doers liars werewolves running into that field to bite.) to make their salary must not exceed NT$1500.00 , so that they all become the lowest "Deed.Shore.Rule" out of any taxable range, and provide free house free water free electrity free phone free (In this Earth, you can only have freedom to do good things, therefore, any 軍人, "教.Yuan", side with liar, mu 面膜st be killed immediately. That how entire US military [That how suck those overseas stationed US military failed to listen to my advise at the first time when I told them to give up their US military uniform to show their absolute fair and balance righteous guts like I given up my Republic of China passport ##That how you must not issue any visiting visa to any US Passport holder, you must kill anyone who holds USA passport in your land. Anyone for some reason must hav 買屋e to ask your permit to go to your place, must have to drive @@You sucking American cannot even have the good will and good strength to drive ***Heavy weight big car driving is what your national land must have to rely on, that how you must not ever allow anyone to pave the gas line underground, any gas related air or liquid must have to rely on the biggest heavy weighted best will best strength best skillful to drive through your own land around and around and around like the Sun move 設計裝潢routinely endlessly inside your own land*** through your own place, how dare you can have that shameless to fly over seas.@@ his or her own car to enter the neutral zone between USA and Canada or USA and Mexico to rely on their vehicle inspection and vehicle license and vehicle title and driving license history to show you he or she deserves your ears and eyes and time to have a say.## in USA.] must be killed immediately because they obvious are committing the crime siding %%%Why I can have right to side with that 酒店兼職liar who bought my Mustang many years ago? Because at that time I did not know he's a liar, and the price he told to that Humble Court Clerk cannot/could not even make me willing to buy that Mustang back at that talking point time%%%with their current liar administration slaved by their liar US President Bill Clinton and his ass whore co-president Hillary Clinton.) every basic life needed goods to them.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 濾桶  .

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          Ex-soldier could get death in Iraq rape, slayings Ex-soldier could get death in Iraq rape, slayin 室內設計gsPADUCAH, Ky. 西服– A former soldier's life will 關鍵字行銷 be in the hands of a Kentucky jury after the panel convict 網路行銷ed him of raping and murdering a 14-year-old girl and killing her family in Iraq 關鍵字排名 . USA Jury needs to know that 酒店經紀 you have no right to try any US citizen who committed rape, slayings in Iraq, not mention to try any US Ex-soldier. You 房屋買賣 may send your US citizen back to Iraq to face the trial in Iraq Court, you must have no right to try anyone committed any crime out of USA s 西裝oil. Iraq is occupied by USA military force, not occupied by USA Court district Lawfully. If your USA court dare abuse your lawful right, you all USA Court 關鍵字排名must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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          「躺著也中槍!」 網路鄉民流行語第一名 經過一個星期票選,全國最大BBS站,網路流行語大賞結果終於出爐,「躺著也中槍」,以434票奪下最流行語第一 燒烤名,代表無端被牽扯的意思;其次是「踹共」,也就是台語諧音 新成屋的「出來講」,有嗆聲意味;而鄉民對某件事情懶得解釋時使用「不要問,很恐?有巢氏房屋v則是第3名。其他像是「沒圖沒真相」、「不爽不要」通通榜上有名。從這個排行榜也讓人見識到,網?房地產臛郱N讓人啼笑皆非。 網友:「踹共,出來講,出來講。」 踹共,不是踹中共,而是台語的「出來講」,踹共有嗆聲意味,網路上鄉民?seoR用流行語票選,「踹共」原本呼聲高,結果出爐,居然敗下陣來,屈居第二,輸給了「躺著也中槍」。真的是躺在床上也中槍,影片中的男子被槍聲嚇醒,氣 買屋網到丟枕頭,日本 辭典還有漢文解釋,指的是「無緣無故受到牽連」,流行語票選活動,「躺著也中槍」拿下超過3成得票率。 網路鄉民愛用的流行語一籮筐,第3名「不要問,很恐怖 酒店經紀」,通常在鄉民對某件事懶的解釋時使用;第4名「沒圖沒真相」,指的是網友說話沒圖片佐證,就不知道是真是假;第5名「不爽不要」,代表沒人逼你的意思。 其他包括希望事情鬧大的「記者快來抄」,連 東森房屋續劇當中偵辦刑案的李組長名言,也榜上有名。演員李鳳新(2009.9.27):「李組長眉頭一皺,發現事情不單純。」 網友創意常讓人摸不著頭緒,深入了解後,往往能會心一笑,也成了另類「網民文化」。 推薦網站:台中汽車借款 好房網,台中胎毛筆,台中肚臍印章,台中派夾報公司,台中機車借款,台中借錢,台中當舖,高雄汽車借款,高雄汽車當舖,高雄當舖 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 婚禮佈置  .

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          不願面對的真相 An Inconvenient Truth~~~~時間已經不多了 不願面對的真相 An Inconvenient Truth~~~~時間已經不多了 影片欣賞 昨天小亨利到誠品音樂館逛逛,看到美國前副總統 - AL GORE 艾爾高爾 拍的影片"不願面對的真相"就擺在櫃檯上,於是就買了一張"不願面對的真相" 找房子的DVD,收銀員還跟我說,這影片很熱賣喔~~~哇哈哈!!!小亨利聽了很高興,這表示有很多人在關心全球暖化的問題..... 回家後真是迫不及待打開DVD播放器來看,哇呀呀~~~真是太佩服 GORE 高爾了,他去弄了很多科學證據與資料,其中有些還是國防機密,都被他弄到手,而他要證明的卻是一個相當驚人的事實: 西裝我們地球的時間真的真的已經不多了~~~~ 聽起來真的很危言聳聽,但是從GORE 高爾發布的數據當中,的確可以發現我們地球正處於溫度的歷史高峰,比如說:自從科學家開始測量大氣溫度至今,2005年是氣溫最高的一年、氣溫最高的10年都是在1990年之後發生;2005年夏天,數百個美國城市都締造史上最高溫的記錄;過去50年,全球平?房地產&薸聽H有史以來最快的速度持續上升;2003年,熱浪在歐洲造成3萬人喪生,並在印度造成1,500人喪命;1978至今,北極冰圈以每10年9%的速度縮小;海鷗於2000年首度現蹤北極圈;非洲第一高峰吉力馬札羅山的雪,可能在2020年完全融化……等等等, GORE 高爾不只給我們資料,他甚至還給我們比較許多世界的高山,譬如吉力馬札羅山十年前與今天的照片,山頂?建築設計漲B雪已經缺少很多很多mucho mucho 吉力馬札羅山1970年照片 吉力馬札羅山現在照片 還有美國冰河國家公園現在的冰河已所剩無幾 如果這些高山的冰雪完全溶化,GORE 高爾用科學方法預測,不出幾年全球海平面將上升,許多陸地將要消失,像歐洲的低窪荷蘭,紐約911紀念遺址也將消失.... 但是更嚴重的是,氣溫過高之後,卻會造成另一個冰河時期....呵呵,小亨利看到這裡實在有?seoI不解,大概太沒科學頭腦了(如果有人了解的話,請不吝於給小亨利開悟開霧)....反正, 反正他的意思就是,以後會很冷很冷就是啦(GORE 高爾說:如果人類再不挽救地球危機的話,這個以後將很快來到) 所以在影片結尾處GORE 高爾有給我們一些建議可以減緩與改善全球暖化,這些我們都可以很簡單做到 1.換燈泡將普通燈泡改為螢光省電燈泡,一年將減少150磅二氧化碳。2.少開車多走路,常與朋友共乘汽車或 買屋搭乘大眾運輸工具,不開車的話,每英里可減少一磅二氧化碳。3.資源回收家裡的垃圾只要其中一半做好資源回收,每年可以減少2400磅二氧化碳。4.檢查你的輪胎確保你的輪胎保持適當胎壓,可以增加輪胎總行駛哩程超過百分之三。每加崙的汽油可以減少20磅二氧化碳釋放到大氣中。5.減少使用熱水量加熱水溫需要很多能源,裝置低流水量蓮澎頭使用少一點熱水(每年可以減少350磅二氧化碳),並且用冷水或溫水洗衣服就好(每年可 酒店工作以減少500磅二氧化碳)。6.避免製造太多垃圾如果你減少百分之十的垃圾量,就會降低1200磅二氧化碳。7.調整你的自動恆溫器在冬天時調低兩度,夏天時調高2度。這簡單動作可以使每年減少2000磅二氧化碳。8.種樹一棵樹一生可以吸收一噸二氧化碳。9.關掉電器設備當沒有在使用電視、DVD播放器、音響、和電腦時順手關掉,每年將可以減少幾千磅的二氧化碳。10.鼓勵你的朋友去看這部電影(或看DVD)。 11.向政府施壓,詢問各民意代表的綠色政策,並且監?酒店打工L們有沒有做到 12.打電話給電力公司,問他們有沒有乾淨能源 13.使用油電混合車 關於油電混合車,小亨利要在此推薦我們瓦倫西亞足球隊的贊助商TOYOTA的生產的這台PRIUS,各位如果經濟情況許可的話,有剛好要買車,可以考慮這台喔~~~ (同時裝備了汽油和電動引擎的混合動力車PRIUS普銳斯,新混合協同驅動系統的成員包括1.5升 全鋁4缸16氣門VVT-i(智慧可變氣門正時系統)的汽油發動機和機械與電磁結構經過改進的電動機。它的每公升汽油可走23.3公里 ,比一般車子平均每 新成屋公升跑12公里 的表現,幾乎好上一倍。Prius的電池先以引擎充電,系統會自動檢查電池的電量,自動進行補充。當車子停下時,也會吸收制動(?車)的能量來充電。所以雖然是電動的,卻不需要外接電源來充電。  Prius命名出自拉丁語,意思是「超前」、或是「先驅」) 14.使用太陽能,風能,等等替代性的乾淨能源 關於全球暖化請參考以下網頁:全球暖化小常識 北極圈冰圈快速融化影片 不願面對的真相影片官方網站 引用 吳哥窟header  .

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